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Chimú Miniature Funerary Offering

Room 10, Vitrine 122

Peruvian Northern Coast
Imperial Epoch (1300 AD – 1532 AD)

The probable origin of this offering was the tomb of a young woman from the Chimú elite who was buried in the mud city of Chan Chan. The group of miniatures was found inside a finely decorated silver box.

The box is decorated with a scene composed of a central figure, probably an ancestor or god, and two figures seen in profile by his side. These figures occupy a space surrounded by step motifs which may refer to a tomb or ceremonial platform.

Among the miniatures different shaped ceremonial vessels can be seen, such as stirrup handle bottles, bowls, pitchers and keros, together with ceremonial knives, pincers, ear ornaments and rings. The theme of an important set of miniatures is weaving, and it includes needles and spindles weighted with whorls.